Fez, the oldest surviving city in the world

Want to discover Fes? There are a thousand ways to do it.This imperial city is the cultural capital of Morocco. Cradles of knowledge, its superb Medersas are the flamboyant symbol. This fortified city, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will take you back to the Middle Ages. Located inside the Medina, the entry into the Bab Bou-Jeloud district is made by a huge door made in 1913, decorated with blue and green tiles, the colors of the city.

Perfect Morocco Tours from Fes

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Why You should visit Fez?

That’s right: why you should visit Fez?

Most travelers rather choose Marrakech for their first trip to Morocco. However, they can visit both cities in a very short time. Probably, you don(t know that there are short term desert tours that link between Fez and Marrakech. You can just do this in 3 days, but if you have more time, it will be wonderful.

The following are the most popular tours that links Fez to Marrakech via Desert

What to see in Fez?

The medina, let’s talk about it. This area surrounded by high ramparts is called Fez el-Bali and Fez el-Jedid. In 1981, it was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and has since been subject to the institution’s strict regulations. Each act of restoration must be carried out with respect for the materials and style of the medina: cedarwood, no concrete, cut cobblestones, traditional zellige … The defense of the heritage of the medina also involves promoting these trades. crafts, we will come back to this below.

The medina is a maze of alleys that it is difficult to map with precision. There are different souks, grouped by specialty: meat, fish, vegetables, electronics, ceramics, brassware, carpentry, leather goods, weaving … Hence the importance of wearing good sneakers to go around this little world hidden in the shade of tall buildings that provide the much-desired freshness in the hottest months.

The rich history of the city has left visible marks in Fez. We find Andalusian, Berber and oriental influences there. A striking melting pot, a true identity.

Fez Tenneries

Inside this area, visitors can visit the Bar Batah Museum, which brings together the Arts and Traditions of the city. This area is located in the palace that carries the same name, not to forget that it was erected during the 19th century. The Koranic school Bou Inania has an architecture full of various ornamentations. Built in the middle of the 14th century, this Medersa is part of the process of the dynamization of the city which was started by the the merinides dynasty.

Tourists can also stroll along Talaa Kebira Avenue, one of the longest in the city and dotted with shopping boutiques.